Professional Rigging for PerformanceCapture

by Aug 21, 2017Control Rig

Professional Rigging for Performance Capture

Realistic 3d characters require the type of rigging work that is solely targeted at Realism. Stretchy bones are not something to brag about when your neck joints are in the wrong place.

The knowledge of Dynamic Anatomy and character topology is a must or all the hard work that went into the 3d Scan can be undermined by wrongly placed joints. The right joint placement is especially important if you plan to use motion capture as a way to expedite the animation process for your Digital Doubles.

We must recreate digital characters with the correct data or spend enough time making sure the scale of bones or placements of joints matches correct proportions and obeys degrees of freedom.

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Best Regards,

Ruslan Vasylev

Ruslan Vasylev



Professional 3D Modeler with 17 years of combined VFX and Games experience, managing Vancouver-based 3D Scanning Studio,

Servicing Visual Effects for Film, Television, Games and Virtual Reality production studios.

