3D Scanning with Microsoft Kinect
Microsoft Kinect for Xbox revealed itself as an excellent scanner, with which to acquire the shape of items. Let's see how to use it along with ReconstructMe, that in its more recent versions allows the creation of models that are accurate and ready to use. The scan...
Dambuster Studios using public faces for new Homefront characters – BBC News
A video game designer is immortalising members of the public by using their faces in newly created characters. Source: Dambuster Studios using public faces for new Homefront characters – BBC...
MC3D could be better than Kinect
Oliver Cossairt's camera, which he's named Motion Contrast 3D Laser Scanner (MC3D), uses a similar process of single-point scanning like the original Kinect models, however it only scans portions of a scene that have changed, which ultimately makes the scanning...The Seven Arts of Working in Film: A Necessary Guide to On-Set Protocol
Welcome to your first day on a film set. Perhaps you’ve gotten a new job as a production assistant. Perhaps you’re still in school and have been given an opportunity as an intern, or you’ve recently been asked to help out with a friend’s production. You probably have...Read moreThe British Columbia Employment Standards Act and Regulation