3D Face Scan with VFS Alumni
3D Scan Discount
Some time in February or March of 2014, we were running a promotion for students of Vancouver Film School, Vanarts and Art Institute of Vancouver. Where, for a a very reasonable price, students could get a 3D Scan discount to capture themselves for their demo reels.
Our experience running such a promotion revealed something very interesting about the way vfx schools wor.
So, please read on!

The Participation
Momcilo Stojkovic was one of the few who dropped by our studio for a 3d scanning session. At that time we only had an array of 26 DSLR cameras. Yet, this was enough to pull some quality data.
Congrats on your awesome looking demo Momcilo, and all the best to you in your further work!
Sometimes you can totally tell whether a person will stand out or not in their career. Whether they will be pushing the boundaries or sit stagnant, waiting for their work day to end. This guy will definitely not be the later kind.
The Turnout
What was very interesting for us to find out is that not many people applied. Only one actually! The reason for it is, for one, our visibility, but ever more interesting was the fact that students were discouraged by their so called “instructors” in use of any services of this kind.
I wish more people were utilizing new technology services, like what we provide. Motion capture is another one which I think should be available to students. Instructors should stop encouraging the use of outdated tools, especially in such a competitive industry.
Leave your comments in the field below if you feel otherways.
If you have any wishes, suggestions or feel this article could be improved, please, do not hesitate to leave us your comments in the section below.
Best Regards,

Ruslan Vasylev
Professional 3D Modeler with 17 years of combined VFX and Games experience, managing Vancouver-based 3D Scanning Studio,
Servicing Visual Effects for Film, Television, Games and Virtual Reality production studios.