The Flash with TNG
3D Body Double
3D Body Double Scanning is getting more and more attention these days. The trick is to get a 3D Scan of the actor's face on the set and then, bring the actor's Body Double to our studio for a proper 3D Scanning session.
The 3D Digital Double of the main hero actor does NOT have to be a scan of the Actual Actor! We are VFX professionals and are good at these kinds of tricks!
Take a look at our VR Gallery to see more of our work!

The Flash
Our approach to this scan was similar to the one we used on Witches of East End.
Which means we had to make a 3D scan of each body part separately with our 30 Camera Rig and merge all the pieces afterwards in zBrush - the job for a prop maker or a welding professional. Though, at least prop makers don't have to fix texture seams, or maybe they do? This was quite a fun project to work on. Yet, I don't know whether this particular 3d scan ever made it to the screen. It looks like a lot of other 3D scanning vendors have worked on this project too.
Get in touch with us for more information about projects we participated in!

3D Capture Services
We did a few more capture sessions for this project which required scans of StarLab wear.
The whole thing took about 4 hours to complete. but most of the time we were sitting in the studio and waiting for the costume to arrive after the shoot. All 3 of us: the VFX Producer supervisor, the costume tailor the body double and me.
Check out more of our 3D Capture Services!
If you have any wishes, suggestions or feel this article could be improved, please, do not hesitate to leave us your comments in the section below.
Best Regards,

Ruslan Vasylev
Professional 3D Modeler with 17 years of combined VFX and Games experience, managing Vancouver-based 3D Scanning Studio,
Servicing Visual Effects for Film, Television, Games and Virtual Reality production studios.