3d Character Modeling Services
3d Character Modeling Services
3d Character Modeling Services are available starting today for the global market of VFX and Game studios, as well as, VR start-ups and indie game developers looking for help on their projects!
Given our industry expertise and experience in organic 3d character modeling and 3d scanning, we're glad to announce we are expanding into the global market!
No matter whether you are BIG, Medium, Small or Extra Small, we are able to tailor our 3d character modeling service to fit your needs.
Types of 3d characters we can help you model
- Ultra-Realistic Digital Double and 3d Character Modeling Service
- Semi-Realistic background 3d Character Modeling Service
- Stylized 3d Character Modeling Service
- 3d Creature Modeling Service (Zombies, anyone?)
- Cartoony 3d Character Modeling Service
As you know, we specialize in 3d Scanning Services of Real People and therefore our expertice in the field and access to 3d scanning technologies of all kinds can be of great benefit to you.
Contact us today and ask us about our 3d Character Rigging service as well as our access to Motion Capture stages!

If you have any wishes, suggestions or feel this article could be improved, please, do not hesitate to leave us your comments in the section below.
Best Regards,

Ruslan Vasylev
Professional 3D Modeler with 17 years of combined VFX and Games experience, managing Vancouver-based 3D Scanning Studio,
Servicing Visual Effects for Film, Television, Games and Virtual Reality production studios.